Before you download anything here, have a look at the install page first.
There might be a better solution for you, than downloading a file from here.
- Latest (currently 4.103)
- Latest windows 64bit .exe (currently 4.103)
- Snapshots created from each push. it might be broken. use at your own risk.
2025-02-28- tv4: fixed a crash downloading videos
- tv4play: fixed a crash downloading videos from list
- nrk: fixed so the site work again
- nrk: added season and episode info
- svtplay: added support for chapters
- svtplay: fixed a crash when trying to download upcoming videos
- detect atmos audio.
under codec in--list-quality
- fixed output on
2024-10-25- tv4play: fixed a crash using -A (thanks to kler for the contribution)
- tv4play: improved DRM message a bit.
- tv4play: improved detection on what videos we can download in -A
- fixed so its working again
- hls: fixed some videos got the wrong alt stremas.
- aftonbladet: fixed so we can download premium videos via a token (thanks to FilipElander for the contribution)
- svtplay: fixed a crash in some specific videos
- Avoid overwrite config for merge subtitle (thanks to carlcnx for the contribution)
2024-07-29- fix spelling mistake for the binary on all platform except windows.. :)
2024-07-28- fix an issue with pip/pipx creating files on windows
- urplay: fix –all-episodes
- sr: fix so you can download files with music using
--audio-language musik
2024-06-20- tv4play: fix a crash fetching all videos
- tv4play: improved detection on what videos people have access to
- tv4play: fix support for /lista/ urls
- riksdagen: fix finding videos
2024-06-14- svtplay: fix a crash getting season / episode info
- svtplay: fix a special case not finding newly released news videos
- plutotv: fix getting movies
2024-05-20- tv4play: some improvements on error message when using –all-episodes.
- svtplay: fixed so we can download a specific season again.
- stream: in some weird cases we got the wrong audio for the video when we didnt specify language.
- urplay: fixed subtitles
2024-04-28- svtplay: fix crash on some clips
- removed –audio-role (all the interesting audio is in the –audio-language)
- added –video-role. works like –audio-role. but with some improvement. for example
role forteckenspråkstolkat
. some downloaded videos in 4.71 and 4.72 might have gotten the wrong video because of this…. - added
for reversed download order with-A
. thanks to @ml-1
2024-04-12- svtplay: fix a crash on certain videos
2024-04-11- tv4play and svtplay will have the corret order in -A again thanks to @ml-1
- support for thanks to @PierreMesure
- support for
- postprocessing should work better with dolby vision HDR
- removed support for subtitles for because their ads makes their mess up with timecodes..
- tv4play handle upcoming videos better so it wont show a error message
- svtplay improved support for syntolkat (sv-x-ad language)
2023-12-12- svtplay added support for
dolby vision
videos few days ago. - Add support for downloading
dolby vision
videos when specify--format dvhevc
(you can see what videos codecs videos have with--list-quality
)- You can specify
--format dvhevc-51,dvhevc,hevc-51,hevc
to only get videos withdolby vision
with and without 5.1 sound andhevc
with and without 5.1 sound. by default svtplay-dl only download h264-51 and h264.
- You can specify
- Add support for
- By default svtplay-dl will download the video with highest bitrate. it could be the 4k video one.
- In case you down want that you can use this feature like this:
--resolution "<720"
will download videos with a resolution less than 720p for example 480p--resolution ">=1080"
will download videos that is 1080p or bigger.- I recommend adding this to your config so you dont have to specify it all the time
2023-10-11- tv4play: add support for token.
2023-10-09- tv4play: fix login issue
- urplay: fix dealing with bad xml data in their dash playlist.
2023-10-08- tv4play: fix for finding videos on –all-episodes
- tv4play: show a message telling people to use program page with –all-episodes
- Support for caption subtitles
- svtplay: support for subtitles for deaf and hard of hearing.
- postprocess: some weird issue not detecting all tracks
2023-07-18- tv4play: new update. -A with –include-clips is removed.
2023-06-18- tv4play: display error message when user forgot to add username and password
2023-06-18- tv4play: it works again. old videos might have a new id.
- urplay: small fix with -A
2023-06-02- Fixed a crash when not using -M
2023-06-01- svtplay: fix so kategori downloads work again -A
- svtplay: fix so lists work with -A
- postprocess: dont crash when only using -M
2023-04-19- tv4play: fixes an issue when akamai sends 100+ headers and the script crashes.
- svtplay: in some cases we could not get any episode number.
- config: fixed a crash when using numbers instead of strings in resolutions
2023-03-16- tv4: it should work again.
- svt: it should work again.
- urplay: they added 1080p video.
- svtplay: when we cant find any season number for a series, use the year instead.
- subtitles: some videos on svtplay have encrypted substitles. it should work now.
2023-01-10- tv4play subtitles show work again
- subtitles: should work better so we dont have a svtplay issue again.
2022-12-01- svtplay: fix subtitles again. they reverted back to the old format. now this will support old and new.
2022-11-30- svtplay: fix subtitles
2022-11-22- tv4play: they changed their site again
- sanitize the filename a little. like removing
from it. windows dislike it.
2022-10-24- improved detection of season and episode number
- improved ad detection
- tv4play: they changed their site
- tv4play: show an error message when geoblocked instead of crashing on retries, because they send 5xx error message instead of 4xx one
- nrk: should work again
- urplay: support for only audio files
- windows: fixed so it works with windows 7 (time to upgrade…)
- added a new argument
so you dont have to use config file to access it
2022-06-05- add support for vod videos
- switched building windows .exe with python3.8. it should work with this old unsupported windows 7 again. people should upgrade to a newer version that have support…
- fixed an issue that made files huge (several gigabytes when it should only be one).
2022-05-13- tv4play: fix so all-episodes work again
- solidtango: make it work again
- config: fix so proxy work
- Added a new argument
.--resolution 720
will download 720p videos.--resolution 720,1080
it will look for 720p and 1080p videos. if no video with that resolution available it will show an error message.
2022-03-29- svtplay: fix so subtitles works again
- angelstudios: adding support for
- add support for bonanza videos
- fixed a crash with semi silent option
2021-12-19- discoveryplus: add a message that we cant download any more videos
- svtplay: fix so all-episodes only download the same tv show
- köket: add support for downloading videos
- urplay: fix downloading thumbernail
- viafree: dont crash on some videos
- Improve help text on -M
- tv4play: fix so all episodes work
2021-11-03- –subfolder can be used with –output when its an directory
- postprocess: fixed an bug detecting ffmpeg.exe in the same folder was svtplay-dl.exe
- svtplay: fixed an issue when the video page is up but the actual video is gone
- svtplay: revert a change that made some files become very small.
- urplay: update detection after site update
2021-10-27- svtplay: detect videos after they updated their site
- postprocess: remove srt file when we merged it
- support for srt files in hls files
- dont crash on videos without subs
2021-10-19- viafree: fixed a crash that was in the previous release
2021-10-18- tv4play: another month, another update
- viafree: fix so -A works again. forgot to fix it last time
- postprocess: on windows systems only: if ffmpeg.exe is in the same directory as svtplay-dl.exe, it will use it if it cant find it in PATH
2021-09-15- tv4play: fix so it works again
2021-09-12- pokemon: make it work with other languages than english
- tv4: fix so it works again
- subtitles: fix a regression from previous version
- output: proper fix paths with ~ in it
- riksdagen: fix so it works again
2021-09-09- barnkanalen: fix so it work with the site again
- pokemon: fix so it work with the site again
- viafree: fix a crash on the site
- fetcher.hls: fix so we detect audio better
- subtitles: in some cases we used dot instead of comma in timecode
2021-07-23- discoveryplus: added support for olympic games videos
2021-07-09- added support for output format “mkv” via ffmpeg with the argument –output-format. config value is “output_format”
- add support for /genre/ downloads on, it will take some time to load.
- fixed a bug related to merging multiple subtitles into the file.
- fixed a crash related to miliseconds in dash files.
2021-06-17- Fixed an issue with multiple subtitles that was introduced in 3.9.1
- Fixed a crash with subtitles with no language info in them, saw it on viafree
2021-06-07- Add support for different audio languages and roles (see –list-quality to find what is available)
- cmore: fix so –all-episodes work again and add dash streams support
- tv4play: add dash stream support
- discoveryplus: add support for standalone videos
- Improve –list-quality output
- Renamed dplay to discoveryplus, viaplay to viafree. display a warning message if the old names still in use.
- Added –no-remux, –no-merge, –no-postprocess and –keep-original.
2021-05-13- rewrote the code that find already downloaded videos and skip them.
- discoveryplus: fix a crash with a seriers with an empty season
- urplay: fix a crash downloading videos
- urplay: fix all episodes work again
- viafree: handle multi subtitles videos better
- unrelaed note. there is a discord server now, link in the bottom.
2021-04-27- discoveryplus: fix another crash and better way to detect related episodes
- svtplay: improve getting the correct episode name
- svtplay: fix a crash when downloading clips
2021-04-18- discoveryplus: fix a crash in some cases downloading all episodes.
- urplay: fix autonaming on movies.
- –list-quality: list resolution on videos who have it.
2021-04-14- svtplay: forgot the fix for all episode option in previous release.
2021-04-13- svtplay: fixed a crash due to some issues on the web site
- svtplay: improved detection on episode numbering
- nrk: fixed an issue
2021-03-16- tv4play: using -A incorrectly downloaded wrong videos sometimes
- svtplay: fixed a crash with -A on some tv shows
- svtplay: improve detection of season and episode numbers
- svtplay: dont crash on non-existing video
- subtitle: stpp support
2021-03-11- svtplay: new site, new update
- drop support for python 3.5, only support 3.6+
- urplay: extracting filename metadata
- viafree: fix subtitles
2021-02-24- svtplay: fix a crash downloading all episode with no episodes available
- barnkanlen: its working again via
- svtplay: live barnkanalen is working again
- discoveryplus: fix an issue with .dk and .no sites.
- urplay: use wrst subtile instead of tt.
- tv4play: fix an issue finding all episodes
2021-02-14- svtplay: fix a crash downloading tv-show thumbnails
- discoveryplus: better way to identify free and premium content
- viaplay: find the correct subtitle language instead of use the first one.
- fixed an issue with having
in config file
2021-02-07- svtplay: fix issue finding videos on the new site
- svt: add support for downloading videos from the recpie site
- urplay: fix issue finding some videos
- discoveryplus: add support for it
- discoveryplus: show a better error message when people need the right cookie
- changed behavior when using –merge-subtitle, it will force –subtitle
- add support for –only-audio and –only-video, it will only work when audio and video is separate
2020-11-19- svtplay: fix so -A work again
- urplay: fixed so it wont download hardcoded subs.
- dplay: fixed issue getting videos from .dk and .no sites.
2020-10-11- dplay: fixed a crash in some special case.
- urplay: fixed so we can get videos from the site again.
2020-09-30- Add support for solidsport with user/passwd
- Fix a crash on svtplay using -A
2020-09-19- dplay: use the
cookie from the website and pass it to--cookies
argument to access the site again - tv4play: fix after they updated the website
- svt: fix so it work with the updated website again.
- viafree: fix so it work with the updated website again.
- removed dateutil as a dependency. it worked bad with windows
- Fix so the script work with different video codecs and audio channels. list what is available using
then use--format-preferred
to set which one you want exh264-51
. config value isformat_preferred
. by default its set toh264
- Windows binaries is available for 64bit and old 32bit.
2019-09-06- fix crashes on svtplay
- added a new dependency
2019-09-06- svtplay updated their site
- Added option to list only episode urls
- Fix for downloading live videos from svt barn
2019-08-24- The APT repo have a new key.
- Fixes a crash when parsing dash playlist on svt
- Dropped pycryptodome and replaced it with cryptography as dependency
- Fixed a crash downloading subtitles from svtplay
- Fixed a crash related to config files
- Fixed an issue with NFO files had its show and title swapped
- Fixed a issue with multiple subtitles adding multiple audio and video tracks.
- Docker container is available at
2018-11-03- The APT repo dropping support for ubuntu 14.04. install via pypi if you are using that ubuntu version.
- Fixed some tv4play issues.
- Dont try to download HLS drm files we dont support.
- Fixed issue with download videos from cmore.
- Fixed a crash outputting to a directory using -A
2018-07-16- New mayor release that is python3 only
- Changed the way we distribute windows binaries which means no false positive warnings from anti-virus
- the windows binary is in a zip file now with a bunch of files which we need.
- Replaced pycrypto to use pycryptodome. pycrypto is old and buggy
- Added a new dependency pyyaml for config file feature
- tv4play: should work again after they changed their site.
- dplay: support for subtitles and download all different subtitles.
2018-03-11- Fixed an issue pycrypto failed on windows
- Fixed an issue with HLS where we thought it was two streams but it was only one.
- Fixed an issue with postprocess fail to merge files together.
2018-03-08- Fixed an issue with viafree that we failed to detect the videos
- Fixed an issue with viafree that we downloaded the from video
- Fixed so we can use -A on and .no
- Fixed in weird cases we failed to merge (audio and video) .ts files to .mp4
- Fixed a crash with dash on some videos on svtplay
- Fixed so we can download the latest video from the program page on dplay
- Fixed a crash on dplay using python2 and naming files.
- Fixed a way to detect bad audio tracks from eurosportplayer
2018-02-25- Fixed download videos
2018-02-25- Added support for
- Added support for eurosportplayer
- Sometimes you need to remove a bad audio track like this. output from
ffmpeg -i knasig.mp4
. we need to remove the mp3 track. Stream #0:1[0x4a7]: Audio: mp3, 0 channels
Stream #0:2[0x1e2]: Audio: aac (LC), 48000 Hz, stereo, fltp, 133 kb/s
- ffmpeg -i knasig.mp4 -map 0:0 -map 0:2 -c copy bra.fil.mp4
- Sometimes you need to remove a bad audio track like this. output from
- Added support for ATG
- Added support for
- Fixed aftonbladet embedded support
- Fixed support
- Fixed viafree -A
- Fixed svtplay –all-last order
2018-01-10- HLS live support for svtplay and dplay channels.
- by default it will record until you press ctrl + c.
- using the argument
-c XXX
(replace XXX with minutes to record).
- Added support for
- Added support for sportlib
- Added support for proxy
- Removed stdout output
- cmore: detect id number better
- viaplay: fixed an issue when trying to read json data.
- svtplay: fixed sorting when using
- expressen: fixed an issue when they started to use https
- urplay/urskola: fixed an issue when they started to use https
2017-09-19- cmore: support for login via operator.
to check the operator name.cmore-operator=name
replace name with the operator name.
- svtplay: fixed some cases when
didnt work - aftonbladet: fixed issue with
- dash: fixed an issue when the bitrate calculation was wrong
2017-09-17- cmore: added support.
- svtplay: fixed so
works again. - disney: fixed a support for it again.
- tv4play: use webvtt subtitles instead of smi.
- tv4play: fixed an issue we could not find the id for the video.
- viafree: add support for .fi.
- viafree:
broke and that is fixed again. - aftonbladet: they changed the layout of the page.
- nickelodeon: fixed support.
- urplay: support for
2017-05-08- nrk: Fix the right api url
- svtplay: fixed so
works again - svtplay: fixed a videoTitlePage crash
- tv4play: remove login option.
- viafree: dont crash when they use a text instead of an episode number.
- viafree: fix so
works with-A
- viafree: fix so
work as intended - öppetarkiv: fixed a crash accessing videos
- öppetarkiv: fixed a crash naming files.
2017-02-21- svtplay: fixed a crash with accessServices
- tv4play: Add season and episode info in the filename
- nhl: new service and vod support
- svtplay: fixed a crash when we cant find a service
- svtplay: add support for exclude with
2017-02-12- svtplay: fixed an issue when new files looks bad
- svtplay: added support for detecting syntolkat and teckentolkat
- Add
command to include clips when combined with-A
- svtplay: Adds support for
as well as support to just download one tab of episodes by using?tab="tab"
in url,?tab=sasong3
will download only sasong3. remove ?tab=sasong3 if you want to download everything. - svtplay: using
will try to download same episode twice - svtplay: Add support for tabs on genre pages
- viafree: Added support for
- viafree: Download only specific season by using
in url
2017-01-27- svtplay: fix a crash after change on svtplay website.
- dplay: fix a crash with show names with weird chars.
- multiargs: will work with -A now
- picsearch: new way to find the video if we cant use the old way.
- solidtango: detect hls in a new way
2017-01-21- postprocess: fixed a crash on py3 and windows with ÅÄÖ in the name.
- svtplay: dont crash if we cant find subtitle
- subtitle: dont add double extensions using
- urplay: detect related videos for
- urplay: fix subtitle detection
- tv4play: check for live videos.
- viaplay: support for wsrt subtitles
- subtitle: dont double encode utf8
2016-11-14- svtplay: fixes for
and better naming of files. - tv4play: fixes for downloading HLS streams
- dash: dont crash when we see live->vod streams
- subtitle: dont crash if we get 404
- calculate better end time.
- tv4play: they changed the url to login.
- viaplay: add support for new urls for baltic sites.
2016-10-17- svtplay: update so we can download files again
- sr: update so we can download files again
- subtitles: dont try to decode None
2016-10-06- viafree: detect video id better.
- svtplay: changed again so
stopped working - aftonbladet: fix so we can download videos again.
- dash: support for segmented files.
2016-09-19- fix a crash with dashparse on svtplay
- new way to detect sista-chansen.
- fix a crash with geoblocked NRK videos
2016-09-10- tv4play: they changed something on their site and the script crashed because of it
- svtplay: support for alt streams. in some cases the akamai one is not working.
- postprocess: fixed a crash with python3 when using
2016-09-06A lot of new things in this version. Support for download videos from:
-, ,,, and
- Support for twitch clips.
- Using
with sista-chansen and genre on svtplay, it will download every video on that page. - In some sites we can download more then one language in subtitles, download the raw subtitles.
- Support for merging subtitles into the .mp4 file. you need to have ffmpeg to that.
- on another thing. in the next major release 2.0, we will no longer support python2. We will release 2.0 around new year.
2016-06-02- Updated the nrk service so we can get the videos again
- fixed a crash during range with
- Add support for
- Fixed a crash on subtitles from tv4
- Write all decimals on subtitles from tv3
2016-05-05- Added
, it will only print a message when the file is downloaded. --all-subtitles
it will download all subtitles from the page. urplay / urskola only have support it now.-q
will now takes ranges. like-q 2000-3000
it will download video if its between 2000 and 3000- Fixed with TV4 where we didnt find the video id and login issues for premium users.
will show the url to the subtitle.-g
with live video on twitch.
2016-03-28Major upgrade for the script.
2016-02-0821 changes in this update.
2016-01-1011 changes in this update.
2015-11-296 changes in this update.
2015-10-2512 changes in this update.
2015-10-086 changes in this update.
2015-09-137 changes in this update.
2015-08-2410 changes in this update.
2015-05-246 changes in this update.
2015-03-257 changes in this update.
2015-01-281 change in this update.
2015-01-053 changes in this update.
2014-12-261 change in this update.
2014-12-266 changes in this update.
2014-11-162 changes in this update.
2014-10-231 change in this update.
2014-10-1312 changes in this update.
2014-08-2820 changes in this update.
2014-04-272 changes in this update.
2014-04-0110 changes in this update.
2014-02-153 changes in this update.