An overview of all the options svtplay-dl has to offer.
usage: svtplay-dl [-h] [--version] [-o output] [--filename filename] [--subfolder] [--config configfile] [-f] [-l] [-c capture_time] [-s] [--silent-semi] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [--token TOKEN] [-t] [-g]
[--get-only-episode-url] [--dont-verify-ssl-cert] [--http-header header1=value;header2=value2] [--cookies cookie1=value;cookie2=value2] [--exclude WORD1,WORD2,...] [--after-date yyyy-MM-dd]
[--proxy proxy] [-v] [--nfo] [--force-nfo] [--only-audio] [--only-video] [-q quality] [-Q amount] [-P preferred] [--list-quality] [--stream-priority dash,hls,http] [--format-preferred h264,h264-51]
[--audio-language AUDIO_LANGUAGE] [--video-role VIDEO_ROLE] [--resolution RESOLUTION] [-S] [-M] [--force-subtitle] [--require-subtitle] [--all-subtitles] [--raw-subtitles] [--convert-subtitle-colors]
[-A] [--all-last NN] [--include-clips] [-R] [--no-remux] [--no-merge] [--no-postprocess] [--keep-original] [--output-format {mp4,mkv}] [--chapters]
[urls ...]
positional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--version show program's version number and exit
-o output, --output output
outputs to the given filename or folder
--filename filename filename format {title}.s{season}e{episode}.{episodename}-{id}-{service}.{ext}
--subfolder Create a subfolder titled as the show, non-series gets in folder movies
--config configfile Specify configuration file
-f, --force overwrite if file exists already
-l, --live enable for live streams (RTMP based ones)
-c capture_time, --capture_time capture_time
define capture time in minutes of a live stream
-s, --silent be less verbose
--silent-semi only show a message when the file is downloaded
-u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
--token TOKEN token
-t, --thumbnail download thumbnail from the site if available
-g, --get-url do not download any video, but instead print the URL.
do not get video URLs, only print the episode URL.
Don't attempt to verify SSL certificates.
--http-header header1=value;header2=value2
A header to add to each HTTP request.
--cookies cookie1=value;cookie2=value2
A cookies to add to each HTTP request.
--exclude WORD1,WORD2,...
exclude videos with the WORD(s) in the filename. comma separated.
--after-date yyyy-MM-dd
only videos published on or after this date
--proxy proxy Use the specified HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy. To enable experimental SOCKS proxy, specify a proper scheme. For example socks5://
-v, --verbose explain what is going on
--nfo create a NFO file
--force-nfo download only NFO if used with --nfo
--only-audio only download audio if audio and video is seperated
--only-video only download video if audio and video is seperated
-q quality, --quality quality
choose what format to download based on bitrate / video resolution.it will download the best format by default
-Q amount, --flexible-quality amount
allow given quality (as above) to differ by an amount
-P preferred, --preferred preferred
preferred download method (dash, hls, or http)
--list-quality list the quality for a video
--stream-priority dash,hls,http
If two streams have the same quality, choose the one you prefer
--format-preferred h264,h264-51
Choose the format you prefer, --list-quality to show which one to choose from
--audio-language AUDIO_LANGUAGE
Choose the language of the audio (it can override the default one), --list-quality to show which one to choose from
--video-role VIDEO_ROLE
Choose the role of the video (it can override the default one), --list-quality to show which one to choose from
--resolution RESOLUTION
Choose what video resolution to download e.g. 480,720,1080. comma seperated
-S, --subtitle download subtitle from the site if available. both merged and separately stored if used with -M
-M, --merge-subtitle merge subtitle with video/audio file with corresponding ISO639-3 language code. also saved separately if used with -S
--force-subtitle download only subtitle if its used with -S
--require-subtitle download only if a subtitle is available
--all-subtitles Download all available subtitles for the video
--raw-subtitles also download the subtitles in their native format
converts the color information in subtitles, to <font color=""> tags
-A, --all-episodes try to download all episodes
--all-last NN get last NN episodes instead of all episodes
--include-clips include clips from websites when using -A
-R, --reverse Reverse download order
--no-remux Do not automatically remux to mp4
--no-merge Do not automatically merge video, audio and possibly also subtitle(s) together
--no-postprocess Do not postprocess anything
--keep-original Do postprocessing while also keeping original files
--output-format {mp4,mkv}
format you want resulting file in (mkv or mp4), mp4 is default
--chapters Get chapters and add it to the file